Introduction to Preprocessing

Sequentia provides a number of useful preprocessing methods for sequential data.

Additionally, the provided Compose class makes it possible to apply multiple transformations.

Each of the transformations follow a similar interface, based on the abstract Transform class:

class sequentia.preprocessing.Transform[source]

Base class representing a single transformation.

__call__(X, validate=True)[source]

Applies the transformation to the observation sequence(s).

X: numpy.ndarray (float) or list of numpy.ndarray (float)

An individual observation sequence or a list of multiple observation sequences.

validate: bool

Whether or not to validate the input sequences.

transformed:class:numpy:numpy.ndarray (float) or list of numpy.ndarray (float)

The transformed input observation sequence(s).


Applies the transformation to a single observation sequence.

X: numpy.ndarray (float)

An individual observation sequence.

transformed:class:numpy:numpy.ndarray (float)

The transformed input observation sequence.

fit(X, validate=True)[source]

Fit the transformation on the provided observation sequence(s) (without transforming them).

X: numpy.ndarray (float) or list of numpy.ndarray (float)

An individual observation sequence or a list of multiple observation sequences.

validate: bool

Whether or not to validate the input sequences.

fit_transform(X, validate=True)[source]

Fit the transformation with the provided observation sequence(s) and transform them.

X: numpy.ndarray (float) or list of numpy.ndarray (float)

An individual observation sequence or a list of multiple observation sequences.

validate: bool

Whether or not to validate the input sequences.

transformed:class:numpy:numpy.ndarray (float) or list of numpy.ndarray (float)

The transformed input observation sequence(s).


Check whether or not the transformation is fitted on some observation sequence(s).

fitted: bool

Whether or not the transformation is fitted.


Unfit the transformation by resetting the parameters to their default settings.